Magical, fantasy style titles for virtual reality (VR) headsets do tend to lean more towards combat, such as The Unspoken, Wands, The Wizards and The Mage’s Tale for example. This week sees another spell-based experience come to Steam, RuneSage, which is all about exploration and puzzles.
Created by indie developer George Gilbert, RuneSage is his first foray into the world of VR creating an immersive open world in which players need to search the land for nature’s runes of power, then use them to cast spells to solve puzzles that can aid their quest.
They’ll be able to explore mazes in a forest teaming with wildlife, sail across lakes to reach distant shores, delve into dark and ancient caves, search a ruined castle and its dungeons whilst interacting with NPCs in a story with over 40 quests to complete.
RuneSage features 20 biomes with over 80 items to find and collect, 35 unique spells to learn and help solve a wide variety of puzzles, with around 10 to 15 hours of gameplay Gilbert reckons.
Designed a gentle VR experience, RuneSage supports both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive and is available through Steam with a 10 percent discount until 5th October, dropping the cost from £6.99 GBP down to £6.29.
For any further RuneSage updates, keep reading VRFocus.
via Mint VR