Jam Studio VR Is A Vive Studios App For Making Music

Jam Studio VR Is A Vive Studios App For Making Music

HTC Vive’s content publishing arm, Vive Studios, hasn’t released a ton of content since its reveal late last year, but it does have a surprise release today in the form of Jam Studio VR.

Developed by Beamz Interactive, Jam Studio VR is an interactive music creation experience designed to be accessible to all. It allows you to pick up a variety of instruments and play them as if you had already mastered them. Pick up a guitar, for example, and you can play like a rock god without ever having to learn a single note for yourself.

The tracks you record can be saved and listened back to. Beamz also offers therapeutic and learning experiences that allow you to relax as you experiment with different sounds.

Currently, the app contains over 20 songs for you to play along to, including releases from the likes of Miley Cyrus, The Jonas Brothers, and Flo Rida. There are also other genres like jazz and metal included in the mix.

Check out the trailer below.

Jam Studio VR is now available on Viveport for $19.99. Beamz is also planning to release DLC for the app, including new music from Disney and more.

via Mint VR
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