Wands on Gear VR did its best with the mobile VR headset. The magic battling game put you in the center of intense fights equipped with a variety of magical abilities. We found the game to be a good one, but it was limited somewhat by the fact that you couldn’t duck the incoming attacks because of the the limitations of mobile headsets.
That changes today with the launch of the game on Rift.
You can now peek around corners and cast spells from different angles, with support for Touch and gamepad, and the developers are offering cross-play between players on Rift, Gear VR, Daydream and even the Pico standalone we reviewed recently. We checked with the developers and it was noted “there’s definitely the chance some matches won’t be equal depending on hardware. If a user feels bothered by the difference in hardware, it is possible to switch settings to only play against mobile users.”
Wands is selling on Rift for around $15.
Tagged with: wands
via Mint VR