Last month Pillow’s Willow VR Studios released its first virtual reality (VR), a magical puzzle adventure for Samsung Gear VR called Spark of Light. At the time the developer confirmed a Google Daydream version was also on the way, originally slated for a September release. Today, VRFocus can confirm the official release date has been revealed as 3rd October.
Spark of Light’s story revolves around a young boy called Nerow, who lives in a fairy tale land filled with all sorts of fantasy creatures, like Mothlings and giants. Suddenly this peaceful world is plunged into permanent darkness when the greedy Moth King steals the sun. It’s up to players to guide Nerow, solving environmental puzzles on route, to retrieve light sources and help restore balance.
VRFocus reviewed Spark of Light, finding it to be wonderfully imaginative and engrossing, giving it four stars.
Pillow’s Willow VR Studios isn’t stopping at Google Daydream either, with the studio revealing earlier this month that a PC version is being developed without going into details on whether it would be for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or both.
For further updates from Pillow’s Willow VR Studios on Spark of Light and its other VR projects, keep reading VRFocus.
via Mint VR