Sci-Fi FPS Star Rage VR Coming Soon To Steam

In a future where Earth’s resources have been exhausted, humans must find a new home, but it won’t be easy, many hostile alien species bar the way. That’s the basic premise behind Star Rage VR, an FPS set in a bleak sci-fi future that is due to be released tomorrow on HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

Star Rage VR sees a variety of combat types, some of which need the player to move between floating platforms to shoot down enemies from all angles. Other fights need the player to defend a certain location from alien enemies, which range in type from swarms of small bug-like creatures to huge alien behemoths.

The majority of the action is set on a distant world called Sara, where humanity has travelled in the hope if finding either new resources or a new home. Contact is subsequently lost, and the player is tasked with finding out what happened to the initial pathfinder team. On launch, five levels will be available: Base Camp, Archaic Monsters, Night Escape, Mechanical Civilisation and Breakout.

Shooting is not the only gameplay element present, players need to master laser scanning and rock climbing, as well as trying to stay in the good graces of your lieutenant. Variety of weapons options are available, ranging from simple pistols to more complex and powerful weaponry.

The developers at Metaverse Studio have tried to ensure that a wide range of motion is available, while minimising the simulation sickness effect. As such, Star Rage VR was build with Unreal Engine 4 to ensure graphical quality and fidelity.

Star Rage VR is due to be released on Steam for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift on 30th September, 2017. A price point is yet to be confirmed. Further information can be found on the Steam Store page.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Star Rage VR as it becomes available.

via Mint VR
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