March 22, 202501:12:25 PM

Spend Time With Jesus in VR at FIVARS

The FIVARS virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) festival will be returning to Toronto, Canada late this month. Among the content that will be showcased at the three-day event is a unique religious themed VR experience titled In His Presence which features Jesus Christ.

Created by Brena Colonna, the 15 minute VR experience of ‘In His Presence’ is designed for interactive prayer and meditation, allowing users to spend time in contemplation of the Bible and the message of the Christian Messiah. The image of Jesus was created using a photogrammetry process to bring his image into the VR experience.

Another piece of interactive content that will be available is This City of Ghosts, an interactive augmented reality (AR) ghost town. Captured in 360-degree film and motion capture, This City of Ghosts allows users to interact with AR characters in real placed with life-size 3D virtual characters. The user can explore a history of a lost ghost town outside Montreal to uncover a story of love, death and technology.

FIVARS is also due to feature content from Baobab with Invasion!, My Brother’s Keeper and Ashes to Ashes, along with other VR content such as Under the Neon Lights, The Dream Collector and Alteration.

Further information on FIVARS, including ticket information and prices can be found on the official website.

VRFocus will continue to bring you the latest information on upcoming VR-related events.

via Mint VR
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