March 23, 202504:00:49 PM

HTC Announces Fallout 4 VR Pre-Order Bundle For All New Vives

HTC Announces Fallout 4 VR Pre-Order Bundle For All New Vives

Fallout 4 VR is still two months away from launch, but HTC is looking to capitalize on its Vive-only release right now.

Today, Vive is announcing a Fallout 4 VR pre-order bundle for every new Vive sold. Anyone that picks the SteamVR headset up will be given a free redemption code for the game that can be used at launch on December 12th. HTC confirmed with UploadVR that this will be a Steam key, and not a code for its own storefront, Viveport.

Fallout 4 VR promises to bring the entire original game into VR. Many of its systems have been reworked to fit the Vive, including the ability to access the PipBoy menu from looking at your arm and free aiming with the Vive’s motion controllers. Sadly, the game isn’t going to include any of the add-on content that was released for the original game. It’s set to cost $59.99 at launch.

Existing Vive owners, meanwhile, will get a three-month Viveport Subscription bundled in with pre-orders for Fallout 4 VR. Viveport’s Subscription service is a Netflix-style platform that allows users to access

Though HTC has long taken an anti-exclusive approach to its content, it’s certainly making the most of having Fallout 4 appear only on its headset for the time being. Bethesda’s parent company, ZeniMax Media, is wrapped up in a lengthy legal battle with Oculus right now, which could explain the absence of a Rift version. That said, SteamVR support will mean anyone with a Rift can play Fallout 4 in VR, it just won’t be properly optimized for the headset. Bethesda has said that it wants all of its VR games on as many platforms as possible, so there’s a good chance we see Fallout 4 elsewhere in 2018.

via Mint VR
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