March 26, 202510:08:49 AM

Launch Trailer for VR Fairy Tale Luna

Luna has drawn attention with its vibrant, hand-drawn style and its appeal towards children as a kind of modern, interactive take on a fairy tale. The developers at Funomena have now released a new trailer to celebrate the launch of the title.

The story of Luna concerns a young songbird, who is persuaded by a mysterious owl to eat the last piece of the waning moon. As you would expect, this proves to be something of a mistake, so the player must help the songbird recover the moon by solving puzzles based around patterns in stars.

Luna offers few of the trappings usually see in videogames, there is no real user interface and no tutorial, presenting itself more as an interactive story that unfolds as the player progresses. The star puzzles unlock terrariums where the player experiments with plants, mixing various combinations to find the correct one to complete the level.

Luna screenshot 2

Unlike most VR experiences, the intended audience of Luna skews younger. As VRFocus said in its review of Luna: “Look at it as a children’s story book that you can interact with and Luna takes on a whole other meaning. The artwork is gorgeous, a bright, detailed, hand drawn style that really makes the title standout from a lot of other VR content, perfectly intertwined with a musical score that’s light, refreshing and filled with depth. This really is something that’s aimed at a younger audience as they’ll certainly be enthralled by what Funomena has created.”

You can view the launch trailer for Luna below.

VRFocus will continue to report on new and innovative VR content.

via Mint VR
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