March 26, 202504:49:15 PM

Life In 360°: Seeing The Music With Chromesthesia

Welcome back to yet another week of everything immersive on VRFocus. As usual we begin Monday’s with another dose of 360 degree video, and much like how we ended last week we’re dealing with a music based experience.

It’s created by the Human Pyramids – a punk rock orchestra lead by Scottish musician Paul Russell, one part of the music group Axes. Human Pyramids previously took to the stage last year at Glastonbury and now they’ve moved on to a new music video that utilises 360 degree video technology. The video is called Crackle Pop, the same name as the band’s single, the first taken from their new album Home.

Teaming with filmmaker John Lynch the duo have produced a video that ties in with the idea of synesthesia. Synesthesia is an ability, neurological in nature, that allows some individuals to process information in the world around them through multiple senses. Regular VRFocus readers will remember we have discussed synesthesia on occasion, most notably when  discussing virtual reality (VR) videogame Rez Infinite and its synesthesia suit. The suit was developed by series creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi, who we discussed Rez Infinite with at length, as well as his thoughts on VR within the entertainment industry, in a recent interview.

By gathering individuals who had a specific type of synesthesia, that of ‘sound to sight’ or ‘chromesthesia’ they were able to get descriptions of what the music actually looked like. What colours and shapes were produced when the various instruments played. This was then translated into vibrant and colourful graphical representations and the whole thing combined into the video that you are about to see, allowing you to experience what having chromesthesia would be like.  Headphones are recommended to aid with the spatial audio.

There will be a further VR documentary released in the future also called Crackle Pop, and when VRFocus has more information.



via Mint VR
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