March 20, 202511:30:05 PM

The Biggest Oculus, SteamVR And Windows Releases OF The Week 10/22/17

The Biggest Oculus, SteamVR And Windows Releases OF The Week 10/22/17

Welcome to our new list format! As you’ll know, Microsoft released its first Windows VR headsets earlier this month and, well, there are now simply way too many VR releases to keep up with. So we’re doing a bit of a reshuffle ourselves; here you’ll find all the biggest releases for PC-based VR headsets this week, from Oculus Rift to HTC Vive and Windows too. That’s one giant list with lots to talk about. Best dig in!

The Big Releases

Blade Runner 2049: Memory Lab, from Alcon Interactive Group
Price: Free (Rift)

Jump into the world of Blade Runner once more with this intriguing free experience. It casts you as one of the titular android-hunters, but more interesingly uses volumetric capture to deliver life-like humans in a virtual space. While short, the story it tells does the series justice.

Melita: A Human Journey, from Future Lighthouse
Price: $4.99 (Rift)

This Oculus Studios-funded short story depicts a desperate 2026 in which the world is on the brink of collapse thanks to climate change. Follow a group of Inuit survivors on a journey to find a planet that humans can happily exist on once more.

Theseus, from Forge Reply
Price: $17.99 (Rift, SteamVR)

Originally appearing on PSVR, the cinematic adventure game makes its way to PC-based headsets. Theseus is a striking take on the classic tale of the Minotaur’s labyrinth that uses dramatic third-person camera angles. Sadly, the game just isn’t as entertaining as you’d hope.

Minecraft, from Mojang
Price: $26.99 (Windows)

After debuting last year on the Oculus Rift and Gear VR, Minecraft’s VR support now comes to Microsoft’s own headsets, though it’s only in beta form right now. Explore the iconic blocky worlds of this gaming sensation.

Amazon Odyssey, from Heavy-Iron Studios
Price: $9.99 (SteamVR)

The latest Vive Studios experience transports you the lush Amazon rainforest, where you’ll encounter plenty of exotic vegetation and wildlife. Explore dense jungles, but also go on paragliding trips and more.

Also Available

Gun Club VR
Guns’n’Stories: Preface VR
Kartong – Death by Cardboard!
Undead Development

via Mint VR
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