March 16, 202509:04:51 PM

The Dancing Clown is Back in IT: Escape From Pennywise VR

It is to be expected, considering the time of year that the odd videogame will creep out from the darkness ready to make you jump with fright. And just in time for Halloween New Line Cinema and Warner Bros. Pictures are inviting you to be immersed in the world of one of the most terrifying films of the summer, by bringing you another opportunity to get far to up close and uncomfortably personal with Stephen King’s nightmare inducing creation Pennywise The Dancing Clown.

Which as invitations go is one we could have perhaps done without.

Following on from the success of the feature film remake of King’s book, in which a gang of children uncover the frightening goings on of a demonic force underneath their hometown of Derry.  One that often appears as a clown and who is responsible for the down’s unusually large number of child disappearances (as well as his victim’s subsequent murders). Terror is getting an upgrade with IT: Escape From Pennywise VR, a creation by Texas-based studio SunnyBoy Entertainment.

Following on from IT: FLOAT – A Cinematic VR Experiencethe popular 360 degree video and a favourite amongst YouTubers IT: Escape From Pennywise VR takes you inside the dilapidated Neibolt house for something of a ‘choose your own’ adventure.  There are six different pathways through the house, a gateway to Pennywise’s lair, but which of them will see you safely through and which will instead have you face to greasepaint covrered face with the malevolent clown? Choose wisely, because failure will not result in laughs or balloons after all, you’ll all float…

If you’d like to experience the story of IT as never before and you don’t mind a close encounter with certain death at the hands of a murderous circus performer. It’s available now on both the Google Daydream and Samsung Gear VR smartphone-based VR head mounted displays (HMDs) for a purchase price of $0.99 (USD) / £0.79 (GBP)

You can find a trailer for IT: Escape From Pennywise VR as well as a series of screenshots from the app below.

Films getting 360 degree experiences and VR videogame adaptions are increasingly becoming the norm, we recently reported that both Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle and Hotel Transylvania 3 would both be receiving VR experiences from Sony Pictures. Whilst earlier today we also told you about American television network AMC’s latest app. VRFocus will have more on information about the latest VR tie-ins very soon.

via Mint VR
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