March 17, 202508:13:40 AM

Be Quick on the Draw When Cold Iron Arrives This Month

It’s time to settle into the new year and start enjoying a new raft of virtual reality (VR) videogames. While all eyes will be on CES 2018 next week looking for the next big VR reveal, for something consumers can purchase a little sooner then how about first-person shooter (FPS) Cold Iron by indie developer Catch & Release, which is due for release at the end of the month.

Cold Iron

With VR headsets inundated with FPS titles and wave shooters Catch & Release has gone for a slightly different route with Cold Iron, reimagining a staple part of any wild west film, the duel. Described as a ‘VR puzzle shooter’ by the studio, the videogame is all about speed, accuracy, and cunning to defeat your opponent and walk away.

Why are you dueling you may ask? Well some outlaws have ridden into town and killed your father. It just so happens that your dad owned a demonic pistol so with it you can take revenge on the criminals and possibly learn at little more about this mysterious weapon.

“We’ve been avid VR gamers since the Oculus DK1. After Star Billions, we knew that we wanted our next game to be a VR exclusive. We pitched and prototyped dozens of ideas until we landed on the seed that became Cold Iron: “Imagine Clint Eastwood staring down a tank on a dusty western street. What kind of deal with the devil would it take to even those odds?” the studio said in a statement. “Right away, we knew that we had found the story we wanted to tell. Following nearly a dozen complete story rewrites, three re-imaginings of the core gameplay, and some fantastic advice from industry veterans, Cold Iron emerged as the rare VR game that makes players forget the controller and HMD as they step into new worlds.”

Cold Iron

To ensure gameplay doesn’t become repetitive Cold Iron is set to feature a wide variety of enemies, from your usual wild west outlaws to sorcerers and long-forgotten beasts.

Cold Iron is scheduled for launch on 30th January 2018, supporting PlayStation VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift with Touch. It’s due to retail for $25 USD, and for any further information from Catch & Release, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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