March 26, 202509:09:57 AM

Step Onto Star Wars: The Last Jedi’s Set In This 360 Video

Step Onto Star Wars: The Last Jedi’s Set In This 360 Video

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a 360 video worth flagging up, but a chance to visit the set of Star Wars: The Last Jedi with your VR headset seems too good to miss.

The official Star Wars YouTube account recently posted this panoramic clip that talks about the score of the most recent entry in the sci-fi saga. With clips from interviews with composer John Williams and director Rian Johnson, we’re taken on a seven-minute tour of the film’s production, visiting several sets featuring scenes you’ll instantly recognize from the big screen. You’ll also get to step onto the scoring stage as the film’s music is performed live.

This being YouTube, you can watch the video in VR either through the PS4’s YouTube app for PSVR owners or on smartphone-based devices for those with iOS and Android handsets. If it’s full VR you’re looking for in a galaxy far, far away then we recommend a look at Trials on Tatooine or Droid Bay for your HTC Vive.

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