March 27, 202503:49:26 AM

VR Edutainment Title VRobot: Robotics in VR Gets Date for Leaving Early Accessible

The development team behind robotics-based virtual reality (VR) education title VRobot: Robotics in VR (not to be confused with the similarly-named title about smashing cities as a giant robot) has a date for when it will be leaving early Access for its 1.0 release.

VRobot: Robotics in VR released the title on to Steam’s Early Access program on 5th April, 2018, where it was made available for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift users to begin experimenting with.

VRobot robotics in VR

Robotics is a fascinating field for many, but unless you are fortunate enough to belong to an academic institution with access to the required equipment, it can be difficult to get involved with. Ukraine-based publisher ProLego Ltd and developer VRobot are tackling this by providing a virtual engineering workspace with all the tools and educational materials needed.

The creators behind VRobot: Robotics in VR were inspired by the work they had previously done with providing educational institutions in the Ukraine with tools and technologies to assist with engaging children with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects.

It was noticed that one of the particularly successes was the LEGO Robotics program, which helps children between the ages of 3 to 16 grasp the basic concepts of robotics, which had the added benefit of letting children solve problems and gain new skills and knowledge in the process. As a result, the developers set out to create an affordable and informative product that would be available anywhere, without need for expensive tools and parts.

The developers plan to use the time in early access to gather feedback and solve various issues within the title, with the aim of completing version 1.0 by October, 2018. For the full version, the development team are planning to add new robots called Dragster and Colossus along with new locations, assignments, a multiplayer mode and several tweaks to add better programming functionality.

VRobot robotics in VR

The Early access version of VRobot: Robotics in VR is available now on Steam for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, priced at £7.19 (GBP). VRFocus will bring you further information as it becomes available.

via Mint VR
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