March 15, 202511:00:46 PM

Neat Corporation’s Budget Cuts Delayed By A Few Weeks

Neat Corporation’s Budget Cuts Delayed By A Few Weeks

It turns out we won’t be playing Neat Corporation’s long-anticipated Budget Cuts next week after all, but we still won’t have to wait long.

The Swedish developer this week announced that its VR stealth game has suffered a small delay, with release moving from May 16th to May 31st for both Rift and Vive. On a Steam blog, the developer explained that this was down to “some unforeseen obstacles”, though the team didn’t provide specifics.

“The reason is simply that we want to release Budget Cuts in a state that we’re proud of and know will be enjoyable throughout the entire game (without killing our devs in the process),” the studio noted.

We’ve been waiting for Budget Cuts for over two years now, so two more weeks won’t kill us. The game sets players sneaking through a robot-patrolled facility using one of the most convincing and immersive teleportation mechanics we’ve yet seen in VR. We finally got to go hands-on with the game back at GDC in March and it looks like it will be well worth the wait.

“Neat Corporation is being tight-lipped about what the later game involves, including what environments we might encounter,” Senior Editor Ian Hamilton wrote. “What I saw though in our tiny slice of the game was what I imagine most people who played the demo want — a deeper world with smarter, more reactive enemies and refinements to all of the game’s innovative user interface ideas.”

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