March 18, 202504:30:51 AM

Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories Showcases New PlayStation VR Gameplay

Set your mind back to 2016 and you might recall a videogame by the name of Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories, a title in which players will need to survive in a city recently hit by a major earthquake. After a long time in development including support for virtual reality (VR) thanks to PlayStation VR, the title has now been confirmed to be releasing later this year in Japan.

Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories puts players in controller of a character of their choice and throws them into a bad situation., Having newly arrived in the city to find work, players will be then find themselves in the middle of a major earthquake before having to deal with the aftermath. Along with trying to escape the now ruined city, players will need to explore the area, look for supplies, deal with other people trying to survive, watch out for aftershocks and do everything they can to survive.

During a recent livestream for the title, developer Granzella showcased a number of new footage for the title including a trailer and VR gameplay along with the final release date announcement. Using the PlayStation VR headset, players can immerse themselves in the ruined city and explore it from a first-person perspective. The highly detailed models ensure that the experience is a truly engaging one with the continuous risk of buildings or bridges collapsing causing a ongoing state of caution.

Disaster Report 4 Plus - Summer Memories screenshot 2

The system of ever present risk is seen during the livesteam, which you can view below, where the player is walking across a bridge only for an aftershock to happen causing it to break under their feet. The person demonstrating the VR mode is generally shocked and surprised when the event happens and it shows how immersive and engaging VR can be.

Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories is set to release in Japan on 25th October, 2018 and will include PlayStation VR support and feature a newly revealed companion app as well. There is currently no word on if or when a Western release will happen but hopefully word on that will be announced sooner rather than later.

You can see the livestream in full below and for those wanting to see the bridge collapsing moment mentioned above, it happens around the 34 minute mark. The PlayStation VR gameplay segment starts at 30 minutes and the newest trailer is shown at the 14 minute mark. The livestream is currently only available in Japanese.

For more on Disaster Report 4 Plus: Summer Memories and PlayStation VR in the future, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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