March 29, 202501:31:29 PM

The Sublime Virtual Virtual Reality Finally Comes To Oculus Rift

The Sublime Virtual Virtual Reality Finally Comes To Oculus Rift

One of the most essential mobile VR experiences has finally made its way over to a PC-based headset.

Tender Claws’ surreal VR adventure, Virtual Virtual Reality, got a surprise launch on the Oculus Rift this week for $19.99.

In the game you travel through various virtual worlds in the service of an AI overlord named Activitude. It’s an often hilarious and hugely captivating adventure that keeps you guessing with its many twists and turns. The Rift version also adds support for the Oculus Touch controllers.

Virtual Virtual Reality started life as an exclusive for Google’s Daydream platform a while back, but made the jump over to Gear VR and the Oculus Go in time for the latter’s launch last month.

Sadly it doesn’t look like the game has launched on SteamVR yet, and there’s no word if it will at all. The same goes for PSVR, though fingers crossed these ports are in the works.

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