March 23, 202510:04:24 PM

New VR Documentaries Now Arriving Twice A Week On Inception Via Targo

New VR Documentaries Now Arriving Twice A Week On Inception Via Targo

We love VR documentaries here at UploadVR. Showcases like the Alternate Realities Arcade at Sheffield Doc/Fest prove that this can be one of the most compelling uses of the platform. Good news for doc lovers, then: a steady stream of them are now rolling out on one of VR’s biggest video apps.

Free video service, Inception, this month announced a partnership with VR media company, Targo, to bring a new VR documentary to the platform every two weeks. A selection of the company’s content is already available including Into the White, which follows a young French explorer as he trains to cross Antarctica and The Hot Air Balloon Family, which is exactly what it sounds like. Other videos will have you undergoing a spiritual journey in French forests, attending special pigeon races and exploring one of the largest miniature train sets in the world today.

The documentaries are in French so you’ll have to make good use of the video’s subtitles. Still, it’s great to see a steady stream of engaging VR content like this now arriving on a regular schedule.

Inception is available on pretty much every VR headset under the sun including Oculus Rift, Oculus Go, Gear VR, Google Daydream, HTC Vive, Windows VR, and PSVR. If you don’t have a device then you can get it on iOS and Android too. Inception’s content is also available on YouTube, one of which we’ve embedded above.

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via Mint VR
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