March 22, 2025

Hypatia Re-Launches As A Free-to-Play VR Experience

Independent developer TimefireVR first launched its ambitious ‘virtual city’ called Hypatia on Steam Early Access in June 2017. The developers have now announced that Hypatia will have a ‘Grand Opening’ as a free-to-play virtual reality (VR) title on Steam and the Oculus Store.

The idea behind Hypatia was to create a persistent virtual city that would be shaped by the ideas and imagination of its residents, who would be able to collaborate on an variety of creative products to enhance the city.

Hypatia’s users and residents will be able to paint, sculpt and animate their own art pieces, or stage plays together for virtual performances, or even try their hands at virtual photography. The aim is to create an inclusive and welcoming space, so the developers have promised that the moderators will be watchful for unacceptable behaviour.

“The Grand Opening of Hypatia marks a significant step forward in TimefireVR’s mission to create an experiential social playground that encourages learning and creative expression,” said Jeffrey Rassás, CEO of TimefireVR. “In Hypatia, participants are limited only by their imagination. This is not just a game, it’s a living, breathing place, and we’re thrilled to open its doors to a global audience and see it flourish.”

There are various locations contained within Hypatia, these include:

  • Centrum – the Central hub, containing a street market, hot air balloon tour and some simple activities as well as pathways leading to the other city districts.
  • Mango Shopping Centre – Here players can browse the virtual store and test out various toys and tools, and purchase items for use elsewhere in the city.
  • Sprite Park – A relaxing spot where players can chill out, or take part in a game of hide-and-seek with the Sprite King.
  • Creative Art Studio – An art gallery where players can use various tools to create their own unique works of art.
  • Theater Du Nul – Players can use this stage to put on performances, or join the audience to boo or clap as needed.

Hypatia is compatible with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, further information can be found on the Steam Store page. For future coverage of new and upcoming VR titles, keep checking back with VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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