March 22, 202504:31:29 PM

Karnage Chronicles Adds Multiplayer In Latest Update

Back in July of this year developer Nordic Trolls revealed that their virtual reality (VR) fantasy action role-playing game (RPG) Karnage Chronicles would begin testing the multiplayer portion of the title. Now, following a few weeks of testing multiplayer has come to the title in the latest update allowing friends to team up to overcome the challenges of this fantasy world.

Karnage Chronicles Screenshot

Thanks to this most recent update players will be able to enjoy the campaign together in groups of two, three or even four as friends and random players come together. Featuring full drop-in/drop-out support players will be able to freely join a friend or another player at anytime after they have created a hero and gone through the tutorial. Monster strength and the number of monsters spawns will now also scale automatically based on how many players are in a party so get ready for a harder challenge. Of course, as players leave a party the challenge will scale back down as well so don’t worry to much.

Alongside the release of multiplayer a number of additional improvements and changes have come to the title as well. This includes a new system which will see players respawn after death with less than maximum health, with the value depending on the difficulty. New changes to the user interface make it more clear when their is more text to read and closing the inventory also now automatically closes the paperdoll. These are just some of the new changes, along with numerous bug fixes, which you can read in full here.

Karnage Chronicles Screenshot

VRFocus’ Editor Kevin Joyce previewed Karnage Chronicles saying: “Karnage Chronicles plays much like you’d imagine a VR rendition of The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim to, however based on evidence of the early build VRFocus has been hands-on with its significantly more linear. Karnage Chronicles is more about the pacing of the adventure than choosing your own, which is a fair interpretation of the exploration-heavy style of RPG given the relative youth of VR as a medium.”

Karnage Chronicles is currently available on Steam Early Access for £18.99 (GBP) with support for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality. VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on the title in the future so make sure to stay tuned for more.

via Mint VR
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