Yearn for those carefree days where you could roam the local video store for the latest releases only to find out they’d all gone? Whether you’re old enough to remember stores like Blockbuster or not, RareBird Games will be dishing out a heavy dose of nostalgia with its latest project, The Last Video Store coming to PlayStation VR.

With some clear inspiration from Blockbuster with its yellow/blue styling, The Last Video Store is going to be part videogame and part video player, where you’re able to watch old-school movies. So you’ll be able to wander around the overly bright store – which they always were – gingerly scanning row after row of shelving for whatever takes your fancy. You’ll even be able to pick up copies, spin them around and spend your time simply reading the synopsis.
You’re not just confined to the store either. RareBird Games has revealed that you’ll be able to explore around the store perimeter as well as taking a drive around the neighbourhood at night. The Last Video Store will also feature a “Survival Mode” that “includes realistic local jobs and bills to pay while managing your video enthusiast hobbies on the side.”
After you’ve done all of that why not relax and actually watch a movie. The first trailer for The Last Video Store showcases Evil Dead and Mac and Me, where you can grab a film off the shelf to watch in a virtual home or cinema with friends, confirming there will be a social aspect to the title. This raises the issue of licensing and whether these will actually have to be rented through the videogame or whether some films may be included?

While keeping most of those details under wraps, RareBird Games did give a partial answer when it comes to watching movies via The Last Video Store, saying: “We will disclose more info in the future but we are working on including existing streaming services and access to local hard drives.” So at least you can watch any films you do have downloaded.
RareBird Games is focusing on the PlayStation VR version of The Last Video Store, to begin with, but a Steam edition is also happening. No release date has been confirmed at the moment, when that happens VRFocus will let you know.
via Mint VR