Many people have, at one point or another, dreamed of starring in their own movie or TV show. French-based virtual reality (VR) content creators Mindtree Pictures are working on an ambitious project to make that dream into a reality.
The project has been titled ‘The Movie You Are The Hero’ and uses the possibilities presented by the interactivity of VR to not only put the player in the driving seat as the hero, but also to let them change the outcome.
Mindtree Pictures presents a couple of possible scenarios. Such as a choice to turn left at a crossroads leading to a car accident which causes a narrow miss and the player character meeting a potential lover, or turning right will mean the player is hit by the out-of-control car, changing the nature of the story, perhaps transforming it from romance to tragedy, or vice-versa. The direction the story takes is in the hands of the user.
This sort of concept lies at the heart of branching storytelling, something that has begun to be used in videogames. It is a complex concept that has been difficult for many creators to properly realise.
The creators of The Movie You Are The Hero are hoping to present the first few minutes of its interactive narrative Dark Sides on the 9th of November. There are few details available, and it is presently unknown what VR platform this project is planned for, though the Mindtree Pictures website shows its own custom VR headset.
A short teaser trailer for the The Movie You Are The Hero project is available to view below.
VRFocus will bring you further information on Mindtree Pictures VR projects as it becomes available.
via Mint VR