March 22, 202503:29:08 AM

Sacralith: The Archer`s Tale Is A Gorgeous Upcoming Medieval Archery VR Game

Sacralith: The Archer`s Tale Is A Gorgeous Upcoming Medieval Archery VR Game

Bow and arrow mechanics feel great in VR. I know this, you know this, and anyone that’s ever tried Longbow from The Lab or countless other archery-focused games knows this. As a result, we’re starting to see more and more games focus on knocking and loosing arrows as core game mechanics.

Whereas oVRshot is a good example of how to craft a multiplayer-only competitive shooter using nothing but archery, Sacralith: The Archer’s Tale aims to do that for single player. This adventure has a decidedly medieval tone with lots of blood, dragons, and sorcery to go around.

You can see some of the highlights in the trailer down below:

We haven’t played it yet, but from what we can tell it looks like the game may utilize node-based teleportation to move around environments. As the archer you’ll have to shoot enemies as they approach and fight your allied white-dressed assassins. Lining up shots in the heat of battle and avoiding friendly fire will likely be a big part of the game’s challenge.

It’s unclear if Sacralith will have any locomotion options other than node-based teleportation, what the game structure is like, and whether or not there is enough meat on the bones to warrant a full release, but you won’t have to wait much longer to find out.

Sacralith: The Archer’s Tale releases on Steam and Oculus Home for Vive and Rift on May 17th, 2018. Here’s the Steam page for more details. Let us know what you think of the game so far down in the comments below!

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