Experience The Freedom To Explore And Tokens In MechFightAR

Developer Animate Objects have announced a new augmented reality (AR), free-to-play mobile videogame in the form of MechFightAR. The title makes use of location-based AR and a novel reward and token system to engage players in this robot themed title.

MechFightAR Gameplay Promo 01

MechFightAR takes the AR location-based genre and adds a twist to it by allowing players the chance to explore real-world locations with more exciting gameplay including ways to capture, develop and defend locations. Players will pick one of four factions to be a part of as they travel around defending the Earth against massive alien bosses that roam around real locations which, when they are encountered, put the player into intense twin-stick shooter action. It is in these moments that players must use all their available weapons and skills to overcome the enemy and claim victory and the loot that will drop from them.

By using a number of different resources MechFightAR allows players different ways to manage and grow both their mech and their home base. With each outpost that a player captures and holds they will be rewarded with periodic drops including ore, oil or CREBITZ. These CREBITZ coins are a form of cryptocurrency that MechFightAR players can spend on upgrades and in-title purchases with the option to use them for real world trading and bartering in the near future.

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MechFightAR is one of the most ambitious AR games to hit the market,” said Chance Roth, CEO of Animate Objects. “The game has many levels of engagement including arcade style action, strategy components, and rewarding upgrades and customization.”

AR location-based titles are popular at the moment but developer Animate Object is hoping that the additional gameplay elements and detailed map rendering with be strong engagements for players. With the option to override the GPS with an onscreen D-Pad players are able to explore future than where they are currently located, offering a greater sense of freedom as they capture and defend outposts. The inclusion of CREBITZ will also be a driving faction in the success of MechFightAR and once the token system expands into real-world trading, the audience is sure to grow as well.

“The use of real satellite imagery and actual terrain elevation rendering are a few more of MFAR’s biggest additions to the genre,” Roth continues. “When players are at the Grand Canyon they get a sense of the actual topology in the game as well.”

MechFightAR will be available to the public soon on both Android and iOS devices.

For more on MechFightAR in the future, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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