AiSolve Discuss Location-Based VR Entertainment

A great deal has been said about location-based virtual reality (VR). Some believe it is a flash in the pan, while other believe it will lead to a new golden age of arcades. AiSolve speak about their plans for out-of-home VR and their platform, WePlay VR.

Shauna Heller is the President, North America of AiSolve Limited. AiSolve has been in existence for ten years, which has been using artificial intelligence (AI) technology in order to create immersive content.

AiSolve WePlayVR Arena1

AiSolve got started on creating VR and immersive content with the creation of software that could be used by various companies and industries for training and simulations, particularly in the healthcare and military sectors.

A year ago, AiSolve created its own out-of-home VR platform called WePlay VR. This was designed to be a free-roaming, turn-key solution for venues such as theme parks, leisure centres and shopping malls.

The impetus behind the creation of WePlay VR was the widespread perception that the hardware and technology needed to create VR attractions was complex and difficult to set up and install. As a result, AiSolve created a turnkey, modular system which is designed to be easy to set up and is easy for operators and staff at venues to learn.

WePlay VR works through the AiSolve network back-end, which means AiSolve can monitor for any problems in the software or hardware, and also remotely deploy updates or new content at a time when the devices are not in use.

AiSolve's WePlayVR At EAG VAG 2018

Heller says one of the major advantages of the WePlay VR system for venue owners is that the IT infrastructure and support is entirely taken care of by AiSolve, so operators can focus on ensuring customers have fun in the VR experience.

The WePlay VR system uses the HTC Vive headset, Vive wand controllers and Lighthouse trackers, along with an MSI backpack PC so users are not tethered to cables during the experience.

The full interview is available to view below. Further news on WePlay VR and AiSolve’s other VR projects will be reported on here on VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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