The Best VR Stealth Games For Quest, PSVR, And PC VR

Despite the seemingly obvious genre fit for VR technology, there actually aren’t a whole lot of VR stealth games. That being said — more are coming out all the time, so we want to collect all of the best in the genre for you here.

We’ve included reviews or impression articles where relevant. The prices listed are for the default, non-sale prices since this list is written to be evergreen and non-time sensitive. If there’s a Steam Sale going on, then most games listed are probably much cheaper at the moment.

The following seven games are listed alphabetically, not in order of ranking:

The Best VR Stealth Games

Budget Cuts 2 (Steam | $29.99)

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The original Budget Cuts had a lot of issues at launch, but after partnering with Fast Travel Games, Neat Corporation more than exceeded expectations with its excellent sequel. You’ll use a unique teleportation gun to move around the world and the new bow and arrow add layers upon layers of level design complexity. If you don’t mind crawling around and using the full extent of your roomscale playspace, this is one of the best for VR stealth fans.


Espire 1: VR Operative (Steam, Quest, PSVR | $29.99)

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This was one of 2019’s best VR games. You take on the role of a robot that can climb on any metallic surface as well as use a wide range of weapons and gadgets as you go out to complete surprisingly long and complex missions. There is a lot of Metal Gear influence in this VR stealth game with a high degree of interactivity.


Panther VR (Steam Early Access | $19.99)

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This VR stealth game just hit Early Access so it will surely get better over time, but after a successful Kickstarter campaign they’re building a game that’s aiming to be a bit more modular and replayable. Rather than getting through a dedicated campaign and never playing it again, missions are supposed to be more dynamic here with lots of prep options that determine your loadout and plan of attack.


Phantom: Covert Ops (Quest, Rift | $29.99)

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The newest release on this list just dropped this week — an Oculus exclusive from nDreams that puts players in the soggy shoes of a VR stealth operative behind the paddles of a kayak. You use your stealth skills to silently infiltrate enemy bases along shorelines and deal damage from a distance. Check out our review above.


Republique VR (Quest $14.99, Go $9.99, Steam $9.99

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The developers of Republique VR, Camouflaj, have gone on to work on the upcoming Iron Man VR game for PSVR, but before that they worked on a clever little Oculus Go game that takes place from the third-person perspective. Turns out that makes for a very fun stealth game and it’s since been ported to Quest and PC headsets.


Stifled (PSVR, Steam | $20)

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Perhaps the most unique game on this list is Stifled. Technically it more cleanly fits in the “survival horror” bucket than it does the “VR stealth” bucket, but there is definite overlap. In this game the developers use your own microphone to monitor your noise level and actually have you make noise to echolocate things like walls and enemies. It’s a bit like hide and seek if all you could see is white outlines of the world as vibrations from noises. Daredevil would probably enjoy this game if he wasn’t blind.


Unknightly (Steam Early Access | $20)

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Finally, Unknightly is probably my personal favorite on this list but it’s also the least polished. It’s been in Early Access for a long time and gradually keeps getting better and better. The premise here is that you’re a rogue in medieval times tasked with infiltrating a heavily guarded castle, so melee combat is most entirely out of the question, meaning you need to sneak in the shadows, climb along walls, and use your tools and gadgets to vr stealth games feature article image

This concludes our list of the best VR stealth games, but we certainly didn’t include anything and everything out there. What are some of your favorites that we may have missed? Let everyone know down in the comments below!

The post The Best VR Stealth Games For Quest, PSVR, And PC VR appeared first on UploadVR.

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