Echo VR has Officially Launched for Oculus Quest

Echo VR - Oculus Quest Launch

Oculus Quest doesn’t technically feature early access titles but there are titles which have found a way around that. Earlier this year Ready at Dawn started an open beta for its multiplayer Echo VR and today that’s now come to an end with the official launch taking place.

Echo VR

The launch sees Ready at Dawn improve and add new social tools with Echo VR Social Lobbies, a way for players to connect with each other. The Social Lobby feature only affects who players can socialise with, matchmaking is unchanged. “This means if you choose to socialize with someone in Casual Mature Gamers you can still be matched up with players from the Echo Combat group,” explains the studio. The lobbies are moderated so players can get kicked or banned.

Currently, there are four Social Lobbies designed to cover most requirements, players can even start their own by submitting an application.

  • Playground – “This group is for the classic Echo VR Lobby you’re familiar with, welcoming players of all types. Players can meet up with friends, find new players to team up with, or discuss upcoming Echo VR events in an environment open to everyone.”
  • Competitive Gamers – “Whether you’re looking for a Social Lobby to talk about the game’s meta or interested in highly competitive matches, this is the group for you. Players captivated by competitive play and looking to improve their skills, learn new ones, or participate in community tournaments are welcome to join.”
  • Casual Mature Gamers – “Looking to escape some of the noise or mischief of the Playground Social Lobby? This group is for you. Casual, mature gamers can party with up friends for a few chill matches or socialize in the Lobby with other players looking to unwind after a long day.”
  • Echo Combat Players (Rift or Quest+ Link Players Only) – “We’ve heard from the Echo Combat community, as well as the new Echo Combat Flamingo League, and to help support the community we’ve created an Echo Combat Social Lobby.”
Echo VR

As for the social tools Ready at Dawn has added to Echo VR, players can customise their experience when the title starts; easily change lobbies, find a social control panel on their arm computer; set a personal bubble, change their voice pitch; mute an enemy team and find new in-game options to quit an activity.

And to celebrate today’s release the studio is holding a special event where players can earn a new badge, emote, and decal simply by playing one match of either Echo Arena or Echo Combat from now until 3rd September at 10:30AM PST/6PM BST. Be aware that Echo Combat matches are only for Oculus Rift or Quest + Link players.

Echo VR is free on Oculus Quest. As further updates are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.

via Mint VR
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