90s Nostalgia In VR With Out of Colors

Drawing on the aesthetics, fashion and nostalgia for the 1990s, developers Granola Studios have created Out of Colors, a title which puts you in the bedroom of a teenager in the 90s with a remote control car.

The basic premise is that your remote control car has been mysteriously stripped of all its colours, and you must race the car around pre-generated tracks to win back the colours.

In order to start a race, players need to interact with the retro-style games consoles inside the virtual room. Each cartridge generates a different track. You can then use your controller to take control of your sturdy remote control car and race it around the track, seeing it light up as you do so.

Completing a track will let you win a colour spray. These colour sprays can then be used to decorate your remote controlled car. The way your customise your car is saved permanently, and will be made visible to any other players you race with in multiplayer. There are a lot of colour sprays to collect, with the developers saying a grand total of 256,000 are available to find.

Multiplayer means you share the room with other players, with custom vehicles racing around the tracks to see who can complete them first. For players who want a slightly more relaxed experience, you can just hang out in the room and throw a basketball at the hoop on the door, or turn on the radio for some sweet 90s tunes.

Out of Colors is now available on Steam Early Access for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. The development team at Granola Studios say that they expect the title to be in Early Access for roughly 5-7 weeks to gather feedback and give polish to some aspects.

The full version is planned to include more racetracks to play, some more interactive objects located in the room and some more options for customising your car, such as undo and reset along with some special brushes and other art tools. The developers say they also have tentative plans for an art contest to find the best customised car.

Further information can be found on the Steam store page and the trailer is available to view below. VRFocus will ring you further news on Out of Colors as it becomes available.

via Mint VR
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