Mammoth Mini Golf AR Adds new ARKit 1.5 Features

After Apple released its augmented reality (AR) development software ARKit in 2017 loads of developers announced projects utilising the technology. When when consumers got their hands on it via iOS 11 later that year there was a reasonable amount of content to chose from. Developer was one of these early adopters, releasing Mammoth Mini Golf AR. And with ARKit’s recent update has ensured its golfing title has followed suit.

Mammoth Mini Golf AR

With the new update Mammoth Mini Golf AR players can now put cave paintings on walls thanks to vertical plane detection, place virtual characters using the Apple Watch companion app, and enjoy a high-resolution camera feed for super sharp visuals.

“We believe augmented reality has a very bright future”, says Simon Edis, one of’s co-founders in a statement. “Right now mobile AR is like a magic window into a mixed world. It’s still early days, but the lessons we are learning now will form the foundation for when that window disappears and AR fills your vision.

“With each new release we are seeing features that help blend the digital and physical worlds. Soon we’ll have AR experiences where you will no longer be able to distinguish what is real and what is computer generated, which will help form an even stronger emotional connection between players and game characters.”

Mammoth Mini Golf AR

Designed to be played on any flat surface and resized from as small as a tabletop to as large as a basketball court,  Mammoth Mini Golf AR features seven courses, each with global leaderboards and trophies. Players can freely move around to get the best angle, set direction and adjust power before putting, all while being careful to avoid mammoths, dino-birds and cavemen trying to stop the ball from reaching its goal.

Additional options also allow players to share photos of themselves with their trophies or hanging out in the game world. Those with the top-of-the-range iPhone X can even become a mammoth animoji. Mammoth Mini Golf AR is available on the Apple store for $2.99 USD. For the latest ARKit offerings, keep reading VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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