Vivid Vision Enhanced VR Eye Therapy With New Agreement

Start-up company Vivid Vision is one of several firms that are enhancing medical care with the use of immersive technologies such as virtual reality (VR). The company has created a VR platform that can be used to treat a variety of eye conditions, and now the company is seeking to improve its technology with a license agreement with The Research Foundation for The State University of New York.

The company is building a new device that can be used to treat lazy eyes, known medically as ambylopia, as well as other disorders of binocular vision by using eye-tracking combined with VR in order to re-train the eye and brain.

Vivid Vision Bundle

The Vivid Vision system was devised by Benjamin Backus, an associate professor at the SUNY College of Optometry, with his colleagues Kenneth Ciuffreda and Diana Ludlam. The eye-tracking system allows for very precise stimulation of known locations on the retinas of both eyes in order to train neurons how to function better.

“Hebbian learning, which strengthens synaptic connections, is an important mechanism of neuroplasticity – the brain’s remarkable ability to change its structure and organization to compensate for illness or injury and adjust to new situations,” Backus explained. “It’s exciting to see this basic science research idea being developed in a real-world product to help people see better.”

Backus has joined Vivid Vision as Chief Science Officer to ensure that the Vivid Vision technology stays on the forefront of technology development.

“We believe eye tracking is integral to the next generation of treatment tools for binocular dysfunction such as amblyopia, strabismus, and convergence insufficiency,” said Vivid Vision CEO James Blaha. “We couldn’t develop these new tools without collaboration with the Research Foundation for SUNY and the licensing of their patent. Having Dr. Backus as our Chief Science Officer at Vivid Vision ensures we can translate this exciting technology into clinical practice.”

Vivid Vision mobile

Further news on Vivid Vision’s VR treatment products and other news from the VR technology sector will be here on VRFocus.

via Mint VR
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